Retreat Mastery

What makes Retreat Mastery different?

If you’re a leader who wants to create a high-ticket experience for your discerning clients, so that you can drive a profit to hire a team of support, live and work remotely, afford amazing venues and serve your clients well, and especially, sell to them with ease, then this is for YOU!

You want to become a memorable leader to lead retreats in the world’s best locations AND have plenty of time freedom to enjoy your relationships and life?


Mindset is the key to upscaling your success. Even when you have the knowledge, the mind will be need to stretch with each level up. So as a trained mindset coach, I’m here to hold space as you work through each level, to reach the work freedom and level of success you yearn for. This work will change your life.


With strategic mindset support comes working through the actionable steps to take you to your next level. We believe in embodying great leadership skills. You’re being called for more; so you’ll have the  support you need to action it all. Consistent implementation is key to successful leadership.


We love manifestation in The Retreat Academy; our 3 homes and 2 retreat venues were started this way!  But without a clear sales process and a community of people ready to buy, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s so exciting to teach ethical selling strategies for sales. No more clunky off-putting selling. Let’s make it smooth and joyful. Let’s create enlivening, high-vibe transactions.


You need to become a beacon of light to your retreaters.

When you become seen as the expert in your field you will magnetise the right clients who pay well for your retreats and the alchemy of a retreat experience will overflow to your community on your retreats.

Fiona Stimson - Kora Coaching & Therapy

I wanted to follow up on the wonderful experience with you and say a big ‘thank you’ for your support, encouragement and leadership. Being with you both was such a deep and meaningful experience, it enabled me to be fully immersed in a way that reflected my potential clients experience.

I left you full of inspiration and excitement, as well as many practicalities, an actual meaningful schedule (yay!), lots of learning, plans and a deeper understanding for the wonderful world of retreating. I know that the experience I curate for my clients, will be transformational.


You’re an incredible leader and you’ve honed your craft.

The landscape of retreats has been a financial rollercoaster for the last few years, but as retreats are booming post-pandemic, you’ve seen a change…

You’re seeing many people leading retreats without your level of integrity, experience and deep care.

You’ve noticed you’ve taken a knock in confidence and need to find focus and purpose to lead with ease

👉 Building a loyal following or community of people to come on your retreats is feeling hard.

👉 Endless social media.

👉 Endless marketing not hitting the mark

👉 Hours and hours of teaching and little momentum.

👉Crowded marketplace

👉 Creating a solid profit is feeling harder to do.

👉Expensive venues

👉Creating a solid profit is feeling harder to do.

When is it ?

27th-30th June 2024

You know you need to change and doing something differently.

You know you’re meant for so much more.

When you get the right support, everything changes.

I want you to know you are valued in this space.

If you are steadfast in your pursuit of excellence and knowledge to serve your clients, the future is bright for you!

Because world class retreat leaders are needed and will rise!

This is for you if you want to build a sustainable retreat business.

✔ Where you’re creating the right content and messaging to cut through the noise.

✔ Building a framework to connect with your growing community and offering them a high-end client experience throughout your business.

✔ Learning how to be fully present and connect in webinars, classes and call to sell well with ease.

✔ Learning how to track the metrics through your business to give you confidence to plan forwards

✔ Learning how to hire the right team at the right time for you.

✔ Learning about Email Marketing and producing standout copy.

✔ Resourcing your nervous system so you do t burnout building your business

✔ Learning about the right tech to use for what, when so you can work smarter not harder.

✔ Understanding funnels to bring you a pipeline of consistent leads.

✔ Focusing on the bigger picture and planning recurring revenue to move away from feast or famine ways of working.

It’s easier than you think, when you know HOW.

There is no other offer like this for Retreat Leaders because no one else has the level of experience and mindset coaching skills combined.

Why the Retreat Academy ?

✔ We saw a market for retreats way back when only monks and nuns were retreating!

✔ We are change-makers.

✔ We are mentors: We teach the practicals of retreating. We are leadership and mindset coaches who understand the processes of change and transformation.

✔ We’ve hosted every retreat you can imagine and trained to become coaches to support more people to take on the challenge of changing their lives.

✔ We’re retreat leaders who have studied changes and trends in the retreat world and know what works.

✔ We’re venue owners: We intuitively knew that people needed a held space to pause and evolve, so we set up our first venue in 2007. We hosted 100’s of retreats annually for 18 years before moving to a bigger and better venue in the wilds of Cornwall to serve our client base better.

✔ We have a 360 view of retreats.

Whats included


Join us at our retreat venue in Cornwall, ERTH Retreat set on a regenerative farm.

Nutritious chef prepared food, and all activities..


Daily yoga sessions in our 12th centre chapel

Optional Wild Swims

Coastal walks

Planning on retreat

Over 4 days we will work though planning sessions for your retreats for 2024, and give you marketing strategies to achieve your goals. We take a deep dive into your retreat business

Access to 8 module on line course

Immediate access to our 8 week on line Accelerator Course prior to the event, so that you can understand the key components to success.

Post retreat

Voxer support, to help support you as you implement the strategies set out on your retreat.

Private FB Group

Group coaching session bi-weekly, to hold you accountable as you grow your retreat business, with additional trainings.

Take the steps to create the Retreat Business, client list and profit you deserve from the years of learning to be a brilliant retreat leader!